Download Your FREE 2019-2020 Standardized Testing Calendar
As you may know, creating a testing roadmap is an essential and crucial step in helping your child navigate the college journey with ease.
Planning and preparing ahead for the SAT, ACT, SAT Subject tests, or AP exams may give your child more time to spend on the areas that he/she may need help in, and achieve a score that your child desires and colleges may seek.
When I sit down with my students, the first thing we do is create a 4-year testing map, scheduling which tests to take when, so that my students are not panicking their Senior year when they are trying to complete both the testing requirements of colleges and college applications with the main essay and numerous supplemental essays.
🚩 I created this FREE Standardized Testing 2019-2020 Dates and Deadlines IvyBound Sheet so that your child may relieve some of the stress and anxiety that comes with taking tests to get into college. Stay ahead of the game by creating your testing plan without missing a deadline! I wish you the best of luck!
Be Collegebound with IvyBound!

P.S. You’re going to love this freebie–🏆 Click the link to download your FREE Standardized Testing 2019-2020 Dates and Deadlines IvyBound Sheet. All key test dates and deadlines for ACTs, SATs, SAT Subject tests, and AP exams in one document.
P.P.S. 🎉 To make life easier for high schoolers who are applying to college, I have worked hard to compile college admissions rates data into two easy-to-use spreadsheets that reveal Early vs. Regular Admissions Rates of Top 50 Nationally-Ranked and Top 50 Liberal Arts Colleges. Purchase it for only $27 to understand the acceptance rates of the colleges on your list.